My Tea House Organic Tea

Organic Elderberries

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Elderberry has earned a prime spot in history, spoken of in ancient writings by healers like Hippocrates. Native Americans are also known to have used Elderberry flowers to make tea, not to mention the Egyptians who turned to Elderberry to improve skin conditions and heal scars and burns. Today, Elderberry is harvested once the berry clusters are ripe. The flowers are normally picked during late spring or early summer, boiled in water to deliver a “bright” flavour profile that’s pleasantly sharp and not too sweet. Drink Elderberry tea to fill the body with immune-boosting antioxidants and to nip cold and flu symptoms in the bud.

Ingredients: Certified Organic Elderberries

Serving Suggestion: Steep 1-2 teaspoons of loose berries per cup of freshly boiled water (100ºc) for about 5 minutes.

Origin: Bulgaria

Health Benefits: 

Rich source of antioxidants

High in Vitamin C

Helps the fight against cold and flu’s

Helps relieve asthma symptoms

Natural Support for Arthritis

Helps regulate bowel movement

Helps aid weight loss