My Tea House Organic Tea

Organic Immune Defense

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This specially formulated herbal tisane is hand blended using ingredients to assist in strengthening and supporting your immune system. Give your body the immune defence it needs to help get you through this flu season, as they say, "prevention is better than cure".  

Ingredients: Organic Ginger, Lemongrass, Licorice Root, Fennel Seed, Ashwagandha Root & Calendula Petals.

Serving Suggestions: 1-2 teaspoons per cup brewed for 3-5 minutes at 100 degrees. Try adding a hint of honey for a touch of sweetness and extra immunity defence benefits. 

Origin: Multiple Origins 

Product Disclaimer: Information on these products is not intended as medical advice. Some herbs may not be recommended for people with certain allergies, who are taking certain medications, are pregnant or breastfeeding. Consult your practitioner before taking.